Want to learn how to deal with Chronic Fatigue, naturally? Synergy Nutrition and Wellness is here to show you a little known system for healing the body in a holistic way so you can get back to living your best life.

  • Did you know an estimated 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans suffer from ME/CFS? About 90 percent of people with ME/CFS have not been diagnosed.
  • Our patients that have dealt with this illness have seen tremendous results just by identifying the root cause of their illness.
  • Most chronic illnesses are a cause of lifestyle choices, poor diet, and stressors.
  • Stressors are food intolerances, immune system deficiencies, exposure to metal or chemical toxicities, as well as scars.
  • We use completely natural non-invasive methods and whole food supplementation as well as diet and lifestyle changes to support the body’s own amazing ability to heal.
  • Your body’s ability to heal itself is greater than anyone has allowed you to believe!

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue, let’s talk about it.


Because I think this is something that we can all at some level associate with, whether it’s the acute or the chronic phase.


But something that is constant means that this is a day in and day out.


It is something you’re dealing with from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep.


You may be entirely dependent upon caffeine and other stimuli like Monsters and Red Bull to get through the day. But some underlying reasons are causing that. And many factors can contribute to it.


So unlike some other scenarios that may have more of a black and white answer, This one will have multiple solutions. So if we were to think about some of the powerhouses of the body, your thyroid, your adrenals, your pituitary, prominent players of the endocrine system, these things generate a lot of energy cycles in the body.


So when you have deficiencies in the thyroid, it could be something as simple as maybe an iodine deficiency or a Selenium deficiency. These are the parts that the thyroid needs to make energy happen in the body.


Your adrenal takes the brunt of the stress. Every time you encounter stress, your adrenal produces a hormone called cortisol, which is a promoting fat hormone. So if you’re working out hard and you think you’re eating a proper diet, but you can’t lose any weight, let’s check the stress levels because that could be part of what brings down your energy.


Your pituitary, the master controller of your endocrine system. If you’re not nourishing that with minerals like manganese and other vitamins, that can cause a deficiency state.


So, your major organs are significant players of energy fatigue.


Your heart’s a big one.


Here’s something that might be very interesting to you. You know, your heart is 5000 times more electrical than your brain?




So that means everything you eat, feeds your heart first. So if your heart is deficient, guess where your energy is?


So that’s why it’s a hard answer, to say there’s a one-stop-shop to why you have chronic fatigue.


But in our office at Synergy Nutrition and Wellness, we can evaluate these underlying nutritional deficiencies. There’s also something extraordinary that we do here at Synergy that I’ve never found any other modality offer. And that is to assess how the autonomic nervous system is working.


Why is that important?


Our autonomic nervous system regulates every cell function and system in the body. Although it is one system, it is compiled of two sides.


You have what is called the sympathetic nervous system, which is a gas pedal; you have a parasympathetic nervous system, a brake pedal.


So if you think of it like your car, as long as gas is going brake stops, you’ve got beautiful functions. Well, in our testing, we can see if something called block regulation is taking place.


Which means either your gas or your brake, are stuck and not doing their job.


So a common manifestation of this is; I don’t get it, I slept six, eight hours, it was a beautiful sleep, I woke up, and I was just exhausted.


You very well may have what’s called block regulation being stuck in the parasympathetic mode. We can address that in our office. Some of the things that we’ve heard our patients tell us when they deal with chronic fatigue. I had blood work done, and my doctor says I have to be 12 deficiency or have a vitamin D deficiency. And those are very real right things.


Nutritional deficiencies will undoubtedly and unequivocally cause fatigue in the body. So in our world, instead of going through some sort of synthetic or process vitamin or mineral or something a little bit more invasive like an injection, we can evaluate these things with our muscle testing procedures and provide the actual replacement parts. The whole food nutrition.


Anytime you go somewhere that sells something synthetic or processed, you’re not getting the usable parts that your body needs.


At Synergy, we can give you real vitamins, real minerals, real enzymes, and the things that your body requires. And at the end of that train is all across the board nutritional deficiencies because it is nutrition that gives us the fuel for our motors to run, just like your car.


Your car has to have gas to go.


You could have a $500,000 Ferrari. If it has an empty gas tank, it is going nowhere.


That’s our bodies. We have this beautiful design that was designed to run for us, but we must put the right fuel into it, which is inevitable God’s food, not man food.


So if we are operating daily with stimulants, coffee, caffeine, Monsters, Red Bulls, processed carbohydrates, sugars, you’re not giving the bvody the replacement parts that you need. Come check us out at Synergy Nutrition and Wellness; we can facilitate any nutritional deficiency you have and get you back the energy you deserve.


Here at Synergy, our goal is to make sure you know what is causing you to feel the way you do. We do this mainly through a form of muscle testing known as Nutrition Response Testing; this technique allows us to test your body to see what foods, metals, & chemicals, are harming you and your body, as well as what ingredients will supplement your body and help get it back on track with properly functioning organs.

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